Let us learn how to select a shared Java Tomcat hosting on shared JVM. We should consider lot of parameters before selecting a good, professional, reliable and affordable shared Java web hosting.
We have advanced many Java internet software program in JSP, JSF, Hibernate, Struts and Spring for my customers. So we were continuously in want of java web web hosting.
Apart from this we use to set up website, e-commerce Java websites and blogs our clients. We use to set up Java web hosting for all our clients websites. We use to provide SEO services to our clients.
Hosting a java website is typical and needs expertise. So we should be careful before selecting any hosting provider.
We will explain you the basic reasons why we prefer DailyRazor for shared Java web hosting services.
Shared Java hosting – basic requirements/question to consider
Let us discuss further how to choose a shared java web hosting. Before discussing we will learn about various hosting schemes.
WordPress Hosting
For WordPress (PHP) it is very much easy to pick a web host. Lot of promising companies are providing WordPress and PHP hosting.
But coming to Java very few companies provide reliable java shared hosting.
Java Web Hosting
We need more and more space for technical, sales as well as other supports while picking a java web hosting. In our freelancing career we saw lot of clients asks too many questions about Java hosting.
Moreover one good thing I found they want to stick with you for all services if everything works well. They would like you to choose a java web hosting for them, seo services, maintenance, enhancements.
Coming to these services to our clients, providing hosting support is as important services. So let us take some time and think a bit.
Do you know how we choose java web hosting for us?
Technical requirements to consider before shared Java hosting
Technical requirements are the most important aspects to consider with a java web hosting. I will reveal you what to consider before selecting a shared java web hosting?
As a beginner we were looking for a shared web hosting. Many of our clients websites were working with shared web hosting. VPS and large hosting plans were not required for them.
Shared java hosting definition
The only thing with shared hosting is other users will use the same tomcat server with you. But I do not think it is going to impact on your website.
I will recommend it if you have a new website, e-commerce website in java. New websites have not much visitors. Shared hosting is capable to handle new websites with limited traffic.
When we started searching Shared Java Tomcat Hosting for us and our clients, we came to know about DailyRazor.
At that point of time we were beginner. So we did ask too many technical questions to DailyRazor. You should also ask these questions to hosting provider before selecting a Shared Tomcat Server.
Technical and sales Questions to ask to a shared java tomcat hosting provider
1. How long you are experienced in Java Web Hosting?
2. How much Disk Space you will provide to our website?
3. How much bandwidth will be allowed to our websites?
4. How many email accounts will be allowed?
5. Do you provide multiple domain hosting? As well as will you provide us multiple application hosting?
6. What are the databases available with you?
7. Do you provide back up for free?
8. Do you have quick installers and having friendly c-panel.
9. What is the server uptime. Will you tell us if Server maintenance is going or server is down?
What are the ways you prefer to message server downs or maintenance issues?
10. Will you refund our money if we are not happy with you?
11. What is the support services? Do you provide 24/7 supports?
12. Do you have 99.99% uptime guarantee?
13. For getting information about how much time it takes to resolve any technical issue. I would suggest to search for a review online.
The best way to ask any existing user.
14. Do they have single point of contact for technical and sales support?
15. How can I upgrade my hosting plan with you?
So coming to our all question we found DailyRazor – Shared Java web Hosting suitable for us. Upgrading with them is very easy. They are providing these services with great ease.They have a vast experience (13 years) as a java web hosting company. An image can explain more than my words. Please see the below images.

Moreover I would recommend to contact once to DailyRazor to check their support. In fact, it worked for me all time.
DailyRazor hosting supports all kind of Java Frameworks. I mean DailyRazor provides these hosting with their shared Tomcat, shared JVM hosting.
1. Hibernate Hosting
2. Spring Hosting
3. MyFaces Hosting
4. Struts Hosting
5. JSF Hosting
6. JSP and Servlet Hosting

In the last you got, why have we preferred DailyRazor for Java Web Hosting? Answer: Due to technical requirements, upgrade, billing and support.