In this article we will do Amazon Lightsail review. We will explain you the basic things you can perform using Amazon Lightsail.
Moreover please read our in depth article on Amazon Lightsail.
Reviewing Amazon Lightsail basic features
Basically, Amazon Lightsail is a complementary solution of Amazon EC2. So you can do everything which you can do using EC2. Moreover, Amazon Lightsail has fixed price.
The pricing starts from $3.5 to $160. So it is suitable for everyone’s budget. Mostly beginners, college freshers and bloggers are choosing Lightsail.
From starting a basic static website to a complex e-commerce application, you can do all with Amazon Lightsail. It is built on top of EC2. As your website grows you can upgrade Lightsail.
Beginners are not comfortable using EC2 because of lot of manual configurations. Amazon Lightsail solves this problem.
Amazon Lightsail provides readymade OS and application templates. Users can install the required softwares using these templates.
Please check the below images to get information about preconfigured applications.
Moreover, it is a hot cake for beginners. Lot of beginner website owners are opting Amazon Lightsail for starting their website.
Due to this reason demand for Amazon Lightsail is high. In this article we will solve basic understanding about Amazon Lightsail.
What is Amazon Lightsail ?
We would say it is a VPS hosting servers. So Amazon Lightsail is a VPS server which provides readymade template to install OS and applications.
Lightsail helps in website hosting and storage. You can store your images, css and database files on Amazon Lightsail.
Moreover, Amazon Lightsail is built on top of EC2. So you can do everything like EC2 with Lightsail.
What can you do with AWS Lightsail ?
While creating Amazon Lightsail instance you can choose and install OS as per your wish. Apart from that, you can also install preconfigured applications.
For example if you are a MEAN stack developer, you can choose Linux as OS and MEAN stack preconfigured template to create development instance for you.
Similarly, if you are a blogger. You may want to install WordPress. So you can select OS and pre-configured WordPress as per your choice.
In short, you can host websites made using any technology. For example, It is a single click host websites made in Java, Spring Boot, PHP, WordPress, Angular, Node JS and Python. In fact, you can host any website on Amazon Lightsail.
In fact, Amazon Lightsail is a complementary solution for EC2. Lot of beginners were not able to directly start with AWS EC2. In order to make AWS useful and easy for all Amazon Lightsail came in picture.
While working with EC2 instance you need to configure each and every thing manually. But using Amazon Lightsail, you can configure OS and application environment in a click.
Basically, Amazon Lightsail is a good web hosting and storage solution for beginners, freshers and new bloggers. It solves pricing and basic starting problems of new website developers.
Developer community welcomes this new Amazon product.
Please read our article – How to install Java on Amazon Linux Lightsail instance.
References :
For more details o Amazon Lightsail you can read this FAQ.