In this article I will demonstrate JSF 1.2  Select Many Listbox with example. In case you run with any problem please drop your comment. Tutorial – JSF 1.2  Select Many Listbox with example Describing Example : 1. Select Many Listbox (h:selectManyListbox) in JSF allows multiple selection from a listbox or list of values. In this… (2 comments)

Tutorial – Select One Radio(h:selectOneRadio) in JSF-1.2 example Describing Example 1. Select One Radio (h:selectOneRadio) in JSF can be used to display multiple radio buttons. Select One Radio (h:selectOneRadio) allows user to select one radio button out of multiple radio buttons. In this example we will demonstrate how to work with Select One Radio in… (4 comments)

Tutorial – JSF 1.2 Data Table Example Describing Example : in JSF tutorial : 1. In this tutorial example we will explain how to use h:dataTable component in JSF. 2.  h:dataTable (data table in JSF) is one of very useful component in JSF. It is used often. For example, Suppose we have a list of… (0 comment)